Luksemburgas dziesma Eirovīzijā – kā cīnīties par saviem sapņiem

Luksemburgu Eirovīzijas dziesmu konkursā ar dziesmu "Fighter" pārstāvēs dziedātāja un dziesmu autore Tali.

Viņa stāsta, ka "Fighter" uzrakstījusi par to, kā cilvēki cieš un neatlaidīgi cīnās, par pamatu ņemot arī savu pieredzi, dzīvojot Ņujorkā un saņemot darba atraidījumus.

Dziedātājai ir pieredze kā mūziklu aktrisei. Savu pirmo singlu viņa izdeva 16 gadu vecumā.

Mūziku viņa raksta popa, R&B un indie stilistikā, un par savu ietekmi sauc dziesminieces Liziju Makalpinu, Sāru Bareilesu, kā arī popmūzikas dīvu Lēdiju Gagu. 

Dziesmas "Fighter" vārdi angļu valodā: 

You're not 20 anymore
You don't have time
To act like a child
To just party
You don't have money
No momentum
You're really
Heading towards defeat
And I hear in the distance, in the distance, in the distance
This little voice, siren's song
That tells me to come
Go ahead, take my hand
Come on, I'll take you

That tells me softly

I will never let you down
I know you're a fighter
In your heart the love around
You know you're a fighter
And I hear in the distance, in the distance, in the distance
This little voice that repeats to me
Where are you going?

I admit I don't know
I want everything and nothing at once
I'll end up completely crazy
And there you go

You don't have the right
To stay like this
You have to make choices
What's on your mind?
Fight battles
Believe in yourself
The world is there
Go conquer it
And I hear in the distance, in the distance, in the distance
This little voice, siren's song
That tells me to come
Go towards your destiny
You must not slow down

That tells me softly

I will never let you down
I know you're a fighter
In your heart the love around
You know you're a fighter
And I hear in the distance, in the distance, in the distance
This little voice that repeats to me
Where are you going?

I admit I don't know
I want everything and nothing at once
I'll end up completely crazy
And there you go
I admit I don't know
I want everything and nothing at once
I'll end up completely crazy
And there you go

Hear the sound of your dreams
You are so near
They are so near, look around
Hear the sound of your dreams
Not of your fears
And just open up your heart

I will never let you down
I know you're a fighter
In your heart the love around
You know you're a fighter
And this voice
It goes away
It comes back
In my head
Where are you going?

I admit I don't know
I want everything and nothing at once
I'll end up completely crazy
And there you go
I admit I don't know
I want everything and nothing at once
I'll end up completely crazy
And there you go

And there you go

Eirovīzija 2024 – dalībnieki



Gaidāmajā 2024. gada Eirovīzijas dziesmu konkursā Malmē, Zviedrijā, savu dalību ir apstiprinājušas 37 valstis.

31 valsts sacentīsies divos pusfinālos – 7. un 9. maijā, bet finālā – 11. maijā – par vietām cīnīsies 26 valstis.

No katra pusfināla 10 valstis iekļūs Eirovīzijas finālā, tādējādi 20 valstis pievienosies 2023. gada Eirovīzijas uzvarētājai Zviedrijai un "lielajam piecniekam" – Spānijai, Apvienotajai Karalistei, Vācijai, Itālijai un Francijai.

To, kurš pārstāvēs Latviju Eirovīzijā, ik gadu žūrija un skatītāji nosaka Latvijas Televīzijas konkursā "Supernova". Šogad par tā uzvarētāju kļuva Dons ar dziesmu "Hollow", tā izskanēs Eirovīzijas dziesmu konkursa otrajā pusfinālā 9. maijā.

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