#Grosvaldi1922. Margarēta Parīzē ļaujas dēkai ar Meierovicu

Pievērs uzmanību – raksts publicēts pirms 1 gada un 11 mēnešiem.

Vasarsvētkos Margarēta dodas uz Parīzi, kur tobrīd darba vizītē uzturas Ministru prezidents Zigfrīds Anna Meierovics. Viņu starpā atjaunojas romantiskā saite. Atgriežoties Londonā, Margarēta bauda ierasti bagātīgo kultūras un sabiedrisko dzīvi. Bēdas sagādā pazaudētais mirušā brāļa Jāzepa jeb Džo pulkstenis, ko Margarēta allaž nēsājusi. Beidzot arī Bulgārija atzinusi Latviju de iure, par to oficiālu vēstuli Bulgārijas sūtnis Parīzē iesniedzis Oļģerdam Grosvaldam


23. maijs

Sestdien Margarēta viena pati pusdienojusi un kopā ar kolēģiem klausījusies Vatikāna kori. Svētdien ciemos bijusi Marie, – ģimene spēlējusi golfu, tērpušies brīnišķīgos kostīmos. Stājies spēkā jaunais vasaras laiks.


On Saturday I lunched alone in the Gardens and heard the Vatican choir with my colleagues. On Sunday I had Marie here for lunch, – the family were playing golf, attired in wonderful costumes. Our new summer-time – 9.30 to 5 p.m. – came into force today.

Aicinām palūkoties uz 1922. gadā tvertajiem mirkļiem ar Vatikāna kori Londonā!

 2. jūnijs

Lai arī LETA pievīlusi Margarētu, atstājot bez maza papilddarba, ir arī patīkami satraukumi, piemēram, pusdienas restorānā ar apreibšanu, vēstule no Parīzes. Un Margarēta nolēmusi apmeklēt Parīzi Vasarsvētkos*.

 *Vasarsvētki (arī Vasarsvētdiena) ir nosaukums, ko Lielbritānijā un visā pasaulē katoļu, anglikāņu un metodistu vidū lieto kristiešu Vasarsvētku svētdienai. Tā ir septītā svētdiena pēc Lieldienām, kad tiek pieminēta Svētā Gara noiešana pār Kristus mācekļiem (kā aprakstīts Apustuļu darbu 2. nodaļā).


Leta has sacked me – they don't want those telegrams any more – so I am £4 the poorer, and my letter to the Director was written in vain. This morning General Burt had to keep his promise – he took me to the Consulate, and Birin gave us lunch at the Helborne. I drank a little and felt dizzy – and the letter from Paris that awaited me did not make me feel more reasonable. I have at last decided to go – I am too curious, and Ogier has been too impertinent – I go for Whitsun and am taking a parcel of letters with Sir George's oral instructions. Minister Kalning etc. were here to-night – I showed my bones in my old black evening dress.

Ieskatam sens video no Vasarsvētku procesijas 1922. gadā Lielbritānijā


Digitālais projekts vēsta par latviešu kultūrā un Latvijas ārpolitikā ievērojamo dzimtu – Grosvaldiem. Grosvaldu ģimenes notikumi, sākot no 1919. gada tiek atklāti caur korespondenci, dienasgrāmatām, atmiņām, preses ziņām, fotogrāfijām un mākslas darbiem. 

Grosvaldu dzimtā ir:

  • Mērija Grīnberga jaunākā,
  • viņas māte Mērija Grīnberga vecākā (1881–1973), latviešu etnogrāfijas pētniece un popularizētāja,
  • viņas brālis – matemātikas zinātņu doktors Emanuels Grīnbergs (1911–1982);
  • vectēvs – advokāts, Rīgas Latviešu biedrības ilggadīgs priekšnieks Frīdrihs Grosvalds (1850–1924)
  • viņa kundze Marija Grosvalde (1857–1936),
  • kā arī pārējās dzimtas atvases – diplomāts, Latvijas sūtnis Francijā Oļģerds Grosvalds (1884–1962),
  • gleznotājs Jāzeps Grosvalds (1891–1920),
  • ārlietu dienesta darbinieces Līna Grosvalde (1887–1974) 
  • Margarēta Ternberga (dz. Grosvalde, 1895–1982).

Šis ir LU Literatūras, folkloras un mākslas institūta un Latvijas Nacionālā mākslas muzeja sadarbības projekts, atbalsta Valsts kultūrkapitāla fonds.

3. jūnijs

Margarēta dodas uz Parīzi. Tālākajos ierakstos var izsekot Margarētas un tobrīdējā Ministru prezidenta Zigfrīda Annas Meierovica romantiskajai saiknei nedēļas garumā.

3.6.1922 Hotel de Passy, Paris.

Gilbert could not refrain from passing remarks when he saw me off this morning. The damaged aeroplane in the channel terrified me as a bad sign – and I worried all the way long about what we would say and how we would like one another, and told myself he would have no time for me. Ogier's welcome was anything but pleased – and then he was there with his car, although my train was terribly late – and though I felt shy, everything seemed alright and natural. We dined at L'Union Intralliée – he was late, and I put up my left hand for a kiss, as the right one was eating asparagus. I talked very voluably, as I was afraid of anything personal. In the car of «la Delegation de Turbanie» we tried Les Acacias and eventually stopped at the Abbaye. He has had good lessons in dancing, and I suddenly understand his words about «ieturēt labākas līnijas» – because my hair is brushing his forehead. Ogier is entrusted with the mission of finding names for us, and watches us with a cynical smile.


I snatch a little sleep between the wild noises in the street, and have my bath at the Legation. I met the Delegation officially, with Lasman, and when left to ourselves, we laugh at our good acting. We go to Chantilly – I sit in the centre, and he draws my arm through his and holds my hand – my goodness, how different this hand feels from others! We lunch at the Grand Condé, snapshot each other, and walk down to the Races. The public and dresses are wonderful. I bet and lose, and he supports me, standing on the chair. The hand is getting dearer when we drive back, as Ogier is asleep. We have tea at the Chateau de Madrid and are left to ourselves, as Ogier directs the driver to Sacré Coeur. I feel rather sad, as I undersatnd from his talk that my wild dreams will not come true – but I hope he rads something in my eyes.We dine on the Place du Tertre where they make cynical jokes, admire the population and Paris from the hill and go to the «Lapin Agile». It is a timy old place where they sing and drink «cerises» and behave very respectfully. I sit on a bench next to my love – I have an arm round my waist under my cloak and play with his hand. We finish up at Le Moulin de la Galette, Lasdin dances badly, Ogier is jealous – and we are so close together that I wonder what it looks like. He says I am palikuse daudz mīļāka, and I say I have given up pretending, and let myself be held close.


In the morning I talk to the Legation people and am called to the telephone – Ogier promptly leaves the room. The car is sent round for me I have my official audience, at the end of which I give him the match case. He kisses my hand, and as I get up my shoulder, and when I turn round my face, and at last my lips – but tenderly, not cruelly, as I would have it. He makes me prepare for Lasdin and we drive to the Legation – I am in no need of the good lunch and wine. In the afternoon there is a reception for the Letts – I play hostess, admire his wonderful way of having a word for everyone and talk to Uban, Tone and Brencen with his fat wife. They have an official dinner, but I am told to wait. I change quickly, and we drive to Res Acacias. We have a lovely table under a tree, I drink lots and love smiling at him at a distance. He has talked to Ogier and is serious to calm him, but I have a hand on my knee, driving home. I shall never understand how I managed to get into bed.


He fetches me for lunch at the Pre Catelan; we talk very seriously, and I listen quietly to the stories about his life. He cannot and will not divorce, and says he cannot love wholly, as woman do – Jūs par daudz mani milejiet, manu mazo draudzin. He says I am very skaista, un Jums ir brinišķiga, interesanta mute, and after lunch we drive all over the Bois, with his arm around my waist – he kisses my shoulder and I play with his hand. I have tea with Mme Gosset who is evidently eating out her heart. In the evening Sir George arrives with letters, and I have Tone and Uban for dinner. I am sent home on the phone – and toss about in bed with a mad heart-ache, as I have been told to live without him, to marry and to give children to Latvia.


I shop with Mme Gosset and return for lunch with the professors with all kinds of wild schemes in my head. I make Lasdin feel how my poor heart beats, I enjoy the old men and sit next to him. It is sufficient to tell him I have been miserable – he calls "iepirkties" – puts a ring on my finger and takes me to the Bois. I do not know how much the driver sees – we kiss in the car, and the kiss is improving, and his arm is round me all the time. We get out and sit by the water – I get less shy gradually and ask for a hand. When we arrive he comes upstairs, and we kiss on the stairs – and Ogier makes me look into his eyes. When I get back to my room I get masses of lovely roses, and I pin some on my frock after conversations with the valet. The dine at Ledoyenis in state seated after all the rules of precedence. I love to see him watching me when I caress my roses or flirt with the others – and he does watch me. The finish up with a drink at the Majestic, where I devote myself to Lasdin, though I draw way my hand.


I go shopping in grey and mauve with roses at my waist and fetch him at the Majestic. The car is not there – I wait in the street for a whole hour. Then he comes and takes me by the arm and fetches me in, and at last we got to Ledoyen's for lunch. He has been pleased with me last night, specially for drawing away my hand – and as amused as I was at the conversation of the two Ministers, which I asked him to arrange. I say that beside loving him I begin to like him: and he says he loves me in his way and will not find a husband for me – this pleases me more than anything else. I warm the fine and lip a little, and he finds the same spot for his lips. We think that each of us could change the other for the better. He is not going to destroy my letters, and when I say I don't believe he takes any pleasure in my company. He says he is no philanthropist and does not waste his time for nothing. I powder him in the taxi and press my hands to the dear face, and he know where my bones are and is going to inspect them. When next we meet – as I have promised to look after myself. I have to wait again in the afternoon and learn patience, and when he come I take off my hat, as he wants to kiss my eyes. I actually have my arms round him, and I can hear his breath, and I love the touch of those lips. We drive to the Jolies for tickets and have tea at Rumpelmayer's – neatstājiet mani vienu pašu – nepalieciet ilgi prom – and I say es jau Jūs nekad neatstātu. There are some looks in the car that I will remember – I hope my eyes speak, and I fancy his do – I had never seen them like that before. I tell him I shall leave tomorrow, and he is sorry he did not know it when he kissed me. I pack a little and put on "pirmo numuru" and we fetch him for a lovely canard aux oranges at Laurent's. We write a card to mother, and he looks at my "best love". We go on to Les Jolies Bergères – the review is not much good, but I have an arm to lean on and eyes to look into. Then I have my last promised dance at Les Acacias. Šoreiz bez cepures. Ogier is surprised at the way I dance – I have really picked up his good style. Ogier asks for his permission to dance, and he shows he wants to kiss me and looks at me sadly while. I smile at a distance – but I hate leaving him. And then our fingers are clasped, my forehead brushes his – he presses me close and kisses it, and I can hear his breath and sigh. I thank them both, and we drive home for the last time. When the time for good-bye comes, Ogier offers to walk away – he does it, as nobody objects – and I am kissed good-bye and see my dear and straight love walk away, without turning round. I get back, feeling rather raw and discover the loss of Ogier's filigrano from Genoa.

9.6.1922 24, Gledhow Gardens.

Ogier sees me off – I hate leaving my roses and turn round every minute at the station, but I am glad he has not come. I travel with Lourdes pilgrims and have time to think things over – I see Elinor Glyn dancing at Les Acacias, hear a voice on the telephone telling me dreamt about Ta bouche, remember the Pope's decorations, his recollections of me in 1910, and Ogier's attempts at pouring cold water over me. I write to him on the boat and thank him for all that he is to me. My train is 45 minutes late, so I arrive in the middle of reception and too late to save anything. I am greeted strangely, introduced to several women and talk to Mme Amaral. Gilbert is sulking – even the stick I brought him fails to cheer him up.

11. jūnijs

Margarēta pēc ļoti piesātinātas un kaislīgas nedēļas Parīzē, ļaujoties dēkai ar Zigfrīdu Annu Meierovicu, atgriezusies Londonā.

Pusdienojusi kopā ar Irmu Čilveri Ričmondā un bijušas Hemptonkortā. Margarēta spriež ka Irma nesaprot, kādu gandarījumu Margarēta gūst no darba, un uzskata, ka pašas dzīve ir daudz bagātāka, savukārt Margarēta domā, ka Irma izšķiež savu prāta potenciālu un aizraujas ar sīkām tenkām.


Last night I dined at Richmond with Irma Chilver and today we were at Hampton Court en quatre. She fails to see what satisfaction I get out of work and thinks her life much richer – whereas I think she is wasting her brains and getting interested in petty gossip. We went boating and spent a very disagreeable hour, colliding with everyone.

17. jūnijs

Margarēta pārdzīvo, ka pazaudējusi Džo pulksteni – siksniņa bija kļuvusi vaļīga, meklējumi caur policiju un sludinājumiem bijuši bezjēdzīgi. Taču Laundersa kundze aizvedusi uz Karalisko Akadēmiju, kur Margarētai paticis Čārlza Simsa* lēdijas Roksavidžas** portetējums (The Countess of Rocksavage and her Son), un uz Rumpelmaijera izrādi.


I lost Joe's watch on the 12th – the ribbon was loose, and I was buying matches for Riga – the police and advertisements have been useless. I saw Guitry in "Pasteur" with Irma Chilver, and Mrs. Launders took me to the Academy, where I liked Sims' Lady Rocksavage, and to Rumpelmayer's.

*Mākslinieks Čārlzs Simss (Charles Sims, 1873-1928) dzimis Londonā, studējis turpat un Parīzē. Iespējams, ka viņa kontinentālā izglītība izskaidro viņa plūstošo darbu ar krāsu un pārliecinošo attieksmi pret telpu un atmosfēru. Viņa daiļrade aptver gan agrīnas brīvdabas figūru ainas, kas gleznotas ar vieglu, plūstošu pieskārienu, gan formālus portretus un gleznas, kurās viņš izmantoja simbolisma vai primitīvisma stilu.

**Sibila Reičela Betija Sesila Čolmondelija, no 1913. līdz 1923. gadam iecelta par Roksavidžas grāfieni, bija britu sabiedriskā darbiniece, mākslas mecenāte un Sieviešu Karaliskā jūras kara dienesta galvenā štāba virsniece Otrā pasaules kara laikā. Čārlza Simsa glezna "Roksavidžas grāfiene un viņas dēls" un grāfienes portretējums tika izstādīts Karaliskās akadēmijas vasaras izstādē 1922. gadā, kur tas tika uzņemts ļoti atzinīgi, un šodien tas atrodas Čolmondelijas pilī.

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